How Healthcare Services Analytics Can Help Your Hospital

Healthcare Services Analytics

Since the Affordable Care Act passed, hospitals now receive penalties when a patient must be readmitted to the hospital within a certain amount of time. Hospital work to treat and release patients quickly in order to free up beds for more incoming patients. But how can they ensure that these patients receive adequate care and do not need to return? How do they score highly within government standards to earn cash rewards? Could healthcare services analytics be the answer?

What is it?

Variations in Trending Outcomes, or VTOs, is a system that uses artificial intelligence to track the relationships between effects. With healthcare services analytics, awareness of this system becomes automated. The result is a significant increase in positive outcomes, such as increased revenue, improved efficiency, enhanced healing, and improved overall patient satisfaction. Historical data collected from existing IT systems can be accessed through the hospital private APIs.

What Does it Do?

Healthcare services analytics compares the data of current patients with past patients in similar categories, such as elderly patients with dementia. The results generate a report to a mobile device that the healthcare worker uses. This does away with the time and effort the healthcare worker would otherwise spend logging on and searching for such data-driven insight from a central source of information.

How Does it Help?

With healthcare services analytics, doctors and nurses will have more time and energy to focus on their patients. The result is more time healing the patient as quickly as possible so they can discharge from the hospital in a timely manner with reduced probability of needing to return. Therefore, the patients receive the care that they deserve, and the hospital earns cash rewards for keeping their Length of Stay scores low by meeting government standards.

What Can We Do?

Improve the way your hospital does business. Eliminate penalties due to readmissions. Treat patients faster through data comparison. For healthcare services analytics, speak to an expert at Standpoint Software, LLC.